Vol.27 (1995) No.1

Numerical Simulation of Water Purification Process in the Closed Water Area

小池  武(Takeshi Koike) 加古 登志夫(Toshio Kako)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A numerical simulation method is developed to analyse the surface wave flow and nutritious processes in the closed water areas which include a bay area, marina, channel and lagoon in order to make a plan for water purification and quality preservation. The applicability and efficiency of this system are shown in the numerical examples in the Tokyo Bay area. The present method adopts a multi-level ocean wave model to simulate a marine water flow, water pollution and nutritious processes which are erected by wind forces, tidal residual flows and water inlet flows from rivers. In the planning stage of new water treatment plants located around the bay area, this system can provide an analytical tool to estimate the efficiency of the water purification system.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003