Vol.27 (1995) No.1

Evaluation Method of Compost Humification

日向 博久(Hirohisa Hinata) 武内 大造(Daizo Takeuchi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
An efficient quantitative evaluation index of various composts is not yet established, so that estimation of compost humification has been based on traditional farm compost and has mainly used "experiential theory" for a long time. The purpose of this study is to develop the applying productive and quality managements in the composting production system from organic wastes. Water soluble and ultraviolet absorbed component of compost was separated as molecular weight by the gel-permeation chromatograph, and the results have revealed a correlation between the molecular weight 1500 under the component volume and humifying level of compost. By using this system, the compost evaluation has become possible and the utilizing techniques have been established. This system is useful for production and quality managements in the compost plant.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003