Vol.26 (1994) No.3

Quantitative Evaluation System of Hair Growth

山下 裕之(Hiroyuki Yamashita) 脇本 良則(Yoshinori Wakimoto) 石野 章博(Akihiro Ishino)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The conventional measurement of hair growth by visual examination of photographs was a hard labor, so that it was not easy to obtain sufficient data for quantitative evaluation. A new system, developed jointly by Kawasaki Steel Corp. and Shiseido Co., Ltd. makes it possible to measure a hair growth automatically and correctly, using new image-processing technologies. The image-processing system consists of two techniques. One is to separate hairs from the skin in a image obtained by a video-microscope. The other is to identify a hair in an image with a hair in another image taken at a time interval. These new image processing techniques have made it possible to measure various features of hairs and their changes as well as hair growth with accuracy. Data of hair growth measurement obtained by this system has matched well with that obtained by the conventional method.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003