Vol.25 (1993) No.4

Philippine Sinter Corporation in 18 Years of Operation

高橋 博保(Hiroyasu Takahashi) Gabriel Evangelista 田中 隆夫(Takao Tanaka)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel Corporation (KSC) established Philippine Shinter Corporation (PSC) in 1974 as an overseas subsidiary with 100% foreign equity. The sinter plant was inaugurated on May 10, 1977 in Villanuva, Mindanao Island, Philippine. Degradation during handling is kept at a minimum due to countermeasures adopted. After unloading PSC sinter at Chiba Works, two steps of screening are done at the yard and under the blast furnace bins. Fine-ore ratio is reduced year by year from 24% to 10% by the recovery process of small sinter (+3m/m 〜 -5m/m) and by the small sinter charging system for the blast furnace as the burden material. Chiba No.6 BF achieved a low fuel ratio of 429 kg/t with 100% agglomerated ore in July 1979 and 418 kg/t (world record) in March 1980. In these periods, PSC sinter ratio was as high as 54% and 56% respectively. In Chiba No.5 BF, PSC sintered ore is a main source in place of domestic sinter, i.e., about 70% of the total burden material since July 1987. These results mean that PSC sinter has good quality, and keeps steady supply at any time. PSC has made the efforts of achieving cost reduction, increasing productivity and constant availability and finally attained an annual production of 5 million tons in 1990. As to plant management, PSC is a model company in the following areas: Environmental control, QCC, industrial safey, maintenance, public and community relations, all achieved by mixed (Japanese Pilipino style) management.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003