Vol.25 (1993) No.3

New Assembly Line for Steel Built-up Box Column "River Box-W"

永易 正光(Masamitsu Nagayasu) 廣  紀治(Toshiharu Hiro) 平岩 研三(Kenzo Hiraiwa)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In order to cope with the requirements of a larger scale, higher tensile strength and higher product quality in steel box columns built up from steel segments, a new production line for Kawasaki Steel's "River Box-W" products was constructed and put into operation in February 1992 at the Chiba Steel Structure Fabrication Center. In the new line, all pieces of the apparatus installed in each production process are based on Kawasaki Steel's unique development work and concepts. This report explains the production method for "River Box-W" and the main production apparatus involved in this project, and describes the KX welding method for corner seams, which is the key technique, and the low heat input CES method for installing internal deaphragms.
本文(PDF: 5P/229kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003