Vol.25 (1993) No.3

Advanced Utilization of a Flood-Regulating Pond by Constructing a Super Platform Structure

三好 弘高(Hirotaka Miyoshi) 泉  祐司(Yuji Izumi) 幕田 徹夫(Tetsuo Makuta)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
It is the first case in Japan of constructing a super platform structure over an existing flood-regulating reservoir and of constructing Wholesale Housing complex buildings on this elevated steel platform. Engineering Division was entrusted with the development, design and construction of this project by the Wholesale Housing Complex Cooperative Association of Saitama Prefecture. The sequence of execution of the project are as follows: (1) In order to prepare for this project, interpretations and applications of the relevant legal matters were totally arranged, and harmonization with the environment was performed; (2) in the design stage, a pier-type elevated structure was adopted in order to preserve the function of flood control, and the safety control and design method of this structure were established; (3) in the construction stage, every construction work was done over a water-filled reservoir by adopting a special construction method and system. In addition, a system connecting the center column in line with the foundation pile was developed. As a result, this project was completed on schedule.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003