Vol.25 (1993) No.3

All-round Engineering by Kawasaki Steel Corporation?The Island and Town Construction as Starting Points?

齋藤 征太郎(Seitaro Saito) 日根野 孝之(Takayuki Hineno) 高橋 千代丸(Chiyomaru Takahashi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The engineering business by Kawasaki Steel Corporation, whose technical starting point is that cultivated through the construction of ironworks, is expanding its scope from selling the steelmaking plants and constructing mainly steel structures to all-round engineering in response to social requirements. Thus, the Engineering & Construction Division has been developing characteristic business in cooperation with the steelmaking division in the various fields of the plant, civil engineering and building, pipeline and construction materials, including environmental engineering such as the treatment and recycling of garbage in town. This report discusses the recent technical trend and the future prospect regarding these fields in the Engineering & Construction Division.
本文(PDF: 8P/559kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003