Vol.25 (1993) No.1

High-Efficiency Oxygen Plant with the Flexible Oxygen Supply System

菅原 勝幸(Katuyuki Sugawara) 天野  忍(Shinobu Amano) 清水 益人(Masuto Shimizu) 榎戸 盛一(Moriichi Enokido) 楠 光裕(Mituhiro Kusunoki) 本田 秀幸(Hideyuki Honda)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
No.12 oxygen plant started operations at Chiba Works for the purpose of stabilizing the supply of oxygen, reducing power consumption, producing argon efficiently and renewing old oxygen plants. New techniques such as flexible oxygen supply system and remote computer control system were adopted. Especially, the flexible oxygen supply system was introduced into steel works for the first time in Japan. This system enables the oxygen production rate to change widely by repeating liquefication and vaporization of oxygen, and it leads to minimizing oxygen venting for many variations of the time-changing oxygen demand. This plant started commercial operation in March 1992, and it achieves 0.391 kW・h/m3-norm-O2 of power consumption rate of oxygen production and 88.2% of argon recovery efficiency.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003