Vol.25 (1993) No.1

Rapid Determination Systems for Ultra Trace Amounts of Carbon in Steel by High-Frequency Combustion Method

満尾  勝(Masaru Mitsuo) 有賀 正幸(Masayuki Aruga) 小石 想一(Souichi Koishi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
High-frequency combustion method has been applied to rapid determination of the trace amount of carbon on steelmaking process. Contamination on the surface of analytical samples was removed quickly by combustion in the hot (460℃) crucible. The newly designed automatic equipment for sample preparation avoided contamination during sample cutting and carbon contamination was less than 2ppm. The established method resulted in a reproducibility of 0.14ppm in the analysis of 8ppm level carbon content in steel samples. This method takes less than 150 second in the actual carbon analysis.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003