Vol.25 (1993) No.1

Effect of Coating Structure on Lacquer Adhesion of Lightly Tin-Coated Steel

浜原 京子(Kyoko Hamahara) 緒方  一(Hajime Ogata) 望月 一雄(Kazuo Mochizuki) 森戸 延行(Nobuyuki Morito) 大和 康二(Koji Yamato)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Lacquer adhesion of a lightly tin-coated steel (LTS) has a good correlation with the coating weight of metallic chromium and metallic tin. With an increase in metallic chromium, lacquer adhesion became strong and was equivalent to that of the tin free steel (TFS). Fractured surfaces after the lacquer adhesion test was analyzed by means of EPMA and μ-XPS. The LTS with a light coating weight of metallic chromium was fractured at the coating layer by the cohesion destruction of tin oxide. The LTS with a heavy coating weight of metallic chromium showed good lacquer adhesion due to the suppressed generation of tin oxide and the in" creased bonding strength of the coating.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003