Vol.24 (1992) No.4

Davelopment of High Strength UOE Pipe with Superior CO2 Corrosion Resistance

村上 宗義(Muneyoshi Murakami) 谷川  治(Osamu Tanigawa) 木村 光男(Mitsuo Kimura) 波戸村 太根生(Taneo Hatomura) 山浦 晃央(Teruo Yamaura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The high corrosion rate of plain carbon steels in wet carbon dioxide environment is a serious problem. The authors investigated the influence of relatively small (<1 wt %) Cr addition on the corrosion resistance of steel and discussed the development of 0.5 % Cr UOE steel line pipe with superior CO2 corrosion resistance, good toughness at low temperatures, and good field weldability. A Cr-rich film, which is tighter and thicker than that of plain carbon steel, is formed on the surface of the Cr steel. This Cr-rich film apparently slows the cathodic reaction on the steel surface and thus protects the surface from CO2 corrosion. The addition of 0.5 % Cr to the steel is found to reduce the corrosion rate to less than half that of non-Cr-containing steels and to obtain high strength by means of the TMCP plate rolling technique. The addition of less than 1 % is found have no adverse effect on toughness or weldability. The UOE steel pipe produced with 0.5 % Cr content has excellent properties as pipe to be used in wet CO2 environment.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003