Vol.24 (1992) No.4

High Strength X80 Grade Steel Line Pipe with Superior Weldability and Improved Resistance to Unstable Ductile Fracture

川端 文丸(Fumimaru Kawabata) 天野 虔一(Keniti Amano) 波戸村 太根生(Taneo Hatomura) 山浦 晃央(Teruo Yamaura) 弟子丸 慎一(Shin-ichi Deshimaru) 筋田 康稔(Yasutoshi Sujita)
要旨 :
ラインパイプの高強度化にこたえるため、靱性と現地溶接性に優れたAPI 5L-X80級UOE鋼管を開発した。引張特性と靱性の両立は,素材のミクロ組織を準ポリゴナルフェライトとベイニティックフェライト組織を制御することにより達成した。このミクロ組織は,Mnを1.8 mass%に高めかつCを0.6 mass%に低減した鋼を用い加工熱処理法を素材圧延に適用することによって得られた。製造した肉厚10,20および29oの鋼管の製造試験では,規格を十分満足する引張特性とともに,-45℃で150J以上の高い吸収エネルギーと0.175%の低Pp値さらに割れ阻止予熱温度として75℃が得られ,開発鋼管の高靱性と良好な現地溶接性が確認された。
Synopsis :
Studies were carried out on API5L-X80 grade steel line pipe with superior weldability and improved resistance to unstable ductile fracture. Both quasi-polygonal ferrites and bainitic ferrites with a small amount of the second phase raised the strength of pipe with high Charpy adsorbed energy, which enhanced resistance to unstable ductile fracture. These microstructures were obtained by applying a thermo-mechanical control process (TMCP) to a steel plate containing 1.8 mass % of manganese and 0.06 mass % of carbon. X80 steel pipe with wall thicknesses of 10, 20, and 29 mm was produced, and their mechanical properties were evaluated. Charpy energy values over 150 J were exhibited at -45℃. The Pcm value was 0.175 % for all thicknesses, and the lowest preheating temperature to prevent cold cracking in the weld heat-affected zone was revealed to be below 75℃.
本文(PDF: 6P/342kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003