Vol.24 (1992) No.4

Characteristics of Chromium Containing Alloyed Steel Powders with High Wear Resistance

小倉 邦明(Kuniaki Ogura) 古君  修(Osamu Hurukimi) 矢埜 浩史(Koji Yano) 峰岸 俊幸(Toshiyuki Minegishi)
要旨 :
高強度,耐摩耗性焼結部品用の鋼粉として,Cr系予合金鋼粉および複合合金鋼粉を開発した。1% Cr-0.7 Mo-0.3% Mo組成の予合金鋼粉KIP 4100Vは水アトマイズ-真空還元法で製造され,低酸素で高い圧縮性が得られた。KIP 4100Vは水素および窒素系いずれの焼結雰囲気を用いても,浸炭処理後に1100 MPa以上の高い引張強さが得られた。1% Cr予合金鋼粉に1% Moを複合合金して圧縮性をさらに高めた複合合金鋼粉は,686 MPaの成形圧力でKIP 4100Vより0.10 Mg/m3高い7.18 Mg/m3の圧粉密度が得られ,光輝処理後の引張強さはKIP 4100Vより高い1420 MPaが得られた。耐摩耗性はKIP 4100Vと同様に,Ni系複合合金鋼粉にくらべ2桁以上優れた。焼結寸法変化は遷移液相焼結により収縮が抑制され小さかった。
Synopsis :
Alloyed steel powders containing Cr have been developed for the production of heavy-duty structural parts with high wear resistance. KIP 4100V is a low-oxygen pre-alloyed powder containing 1% Cr-0.7% Mn-0.3% Mo, and provides high compressibility. Produced by a water-atomizing and vacuum-annealing process, KIP 4100V attains a tensile strength of more than 1100 MPa after carburizing. Composite-type Cr containing alloyed steel powder, which contains prealloyed 1% Cr and composite-type alloyed 1% Mo to improve the compressibility of Cr-containing powders, attains a compressibility of 7.18 MPa, when pressed at 686 MPa, and higher tensile strength than that of KIP 4100V after bright-quenching at 1420 MPa. The wear resistance is comparable to that of KIP 4100V, and is more than one hundred times greater than that of Ni-containing composite-type alloyed steel powder. the sintering shrinkage of the composite-type Cr-containing alloyed steel powder is suppressed by transient liquid-phase sintering, and the dimensional change during sintering is very small.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003