Vol.24 (1992) No.4

KIP CLEAN MIX Powders Free from Segregation

峰岸 俊幸(Toshiyuki Minegishi) 牧野 来世志(Kiyoshi Makino) 杉原  裕(Hiroshi Sugihara) 前田 義昭(Yoshiaki Maeda) 高城 重彰(Shigeaki Takajo) 桜田 一男(Ichio Sakurada)
要旨 :
鉄粉の粒子表面に黒鉛粉およびその他の添加元素を付着させることにより偏析を防止し,同時に発塵の少ない混合粉「KIPクリーンミックス」を開発した。偏析の程度を示すC付着度(100〜200 meshの鉄粉中のC量と全粒度におけるC量の比)は,従来混合物の約20%に対してKIPクリーンミックス粉は80%以上と優れた値を示した。また,従来混合粉に比べて発塵量は90%減少し,粉末の流動性は30%改善された。このKIPクリーンミックス粉は使用時のホッパー偏析が防止できるので,これより製造される焼結部品は,寸法変化および機械的強度が安定し,不良率の減少により製品歩留りは約10%向上した。
Synopsis :
New mixed powders, KIP CLEAN MIX were developed to minimize segregation and dusting by a treatment which firmly bonds graphite and additive powders onto the surface of the iron powder particles. The segregation-free treatment gives a C-adhesion ratio (the ratio of carbon content in 100〜200 mesh powder mixtures too carbon content in the total powder mixtures) of more than 80 % , while the ratios remained about 20 % for conventionally mixed powders. Dusting was also reduced by 90 % and flowability was improved by more than 30 %, Excessive graphite concentration usually observed in the final stage of feeding from a hopper is completely suppressed by this treatment. Mechanical properties of sintered compacts made from KIP CLEAN MIX powders being very stable, substandard articles were decreased and the yield of sintered parts was improved by about 10 %.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003