Vol.24 (1992) No.3

RC部材の靱性に及ぼす高強度せん断補強筋形状の影響 −リバーボンマルチスパイラルフープの開発−
Configurational Effects of High-Strength Transeverse Reinforcement on Ductility Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Members −Development of Riverbon MULTI SPIRAL HOOPS−

中澤  淳(Atsushi Nakazawa) 柴田 正隆(Masataka Shibata) 渡辺 郁夫(Ikuo Watanabe) 白石  環(Tamaki Shiraishi) 三原 重郎(Juro Mihara)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A new type of transverse reinforcement with 1275-N/mm2 yield strength was developed for reinforced concrete members. This consists of a peripheral hoop and internal hoops (named the Riv-erbon MULTI SPIRAL HOOP), Which are made from one-piece steel bar without breaks or welding. Experimental studies were carried out on square concrete columns and the shear-failure and flexural failure behaviors of the Riverbon MULTI SPIRAL HOOP were compared with those of conventional reinforcements. This Riverbon MULTI SPIRAL HOOPs Showed good ductility and greater efficiency in fixing at the construction site. This reinforcement enables earthquake-resistant reinforced concrete buildings to be constructed more economically.
本文(PDF: 7P/391kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003