Vol.24 (1992) No.2

Development of Si3N4-BN Casting Mould for High Pressure Slip Casting

磯村 敬一郎(Keiichiro Isomura) 鎌倉 和彦(Kazuhiko Kamakura) 船橋 敏彦(Toshihiko Hunahashi) 小笠原 一紀(Kazuki Ogasahara)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Si3N4-BN composite ceramic moulds have been developed for the high pressure slip casting technique which is expected to be as efficient as a near net shaping technique with high productivity. The mould has a porous, homogeneous structure with ultra-fine pore sized. The pore size and porosity of the moulds can be controlled by the grain size of BN powder as a raw material. The mould exhibits excellent mechanical properties, high permeability, good abrasion resistivity to water and good surface smoothness. The Si3N4-BN moulds coupled with high-pressure slip casting machines make it possible to produce advanced ceramic bodies efficiently and economically without clogging the moulds during operation. In the near future, large-scale practical application of Si3N4-BN moulds would take place in many fields, for example, structural ceramics for automobile engine parts, other advanced ceramics and various porcelains.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003