Vol.24 (1992) No.2

Mechanical Properties and Microscopic Structures of Corrosion-Resistant Rare-Earth Magnets

尾崎 由紀子(Yukiko Ozaki) 福田 泰隆(Yasutaka Fukuda) 岩崎 義光(Yoshimitsu Iwasaki) 下斗米 道夫(Michio Shimotomai) 北野 葉子(Yoko Kitano) 下村 順一(Jun-ichi Shimomura)
要旨 :
Nd15(Fe0.7-x-yCo0.3NixTiy)77B8系磁石の杭折力および剛性率を評価し,機械的性質と微視組織との関係を考察した。磁気特性と耐食性が両立するx=0.1,y=0.015の組成付近で,杭折力の向上が顕著で392 MPaに達した。この値は,Nd-Fe-B系磁石(158 MPa)の2培強,Sm-Co磁石(98 MPa)の4倍である。同組成の焼結磁石の微視組織をSEMおよび高分解能TEMにより観察し,結晶粒の微細化と主相粒内および粒界にナノサイズのTiB2粒の析出が確認された。粒内TiB2粒は主相Nd2 TM14 B1とセミコヒーレントなナノ複合材を形成し,粒界TiB2粒は主相結晶粒界に沿って析出していた。杭折力の改善は,粒内にナノ分散したTiB2による分散強化および粒界のTiB2による結晶粒の微細化と亀裂伝播の阻止効果によるものと推測される。
Synopsis :
Bending strength and elastic moduli were measured for corrosion-resistant Nd15 (Fe0.7-x-yCo0.3NixTiy)77B8 sintered magnets. At the composition of x=0.1 and y=0.015, the bending strength showed a value of 392 MPa, much higher than 98 MPa the Sm-Co magnet or 158 MPa of Md-Fe-B magnet. Microscopic observation with SEM and high-resolusion TEM clarified that Ti addition brought forth a decrease in the grain size and that nano-sized precipitates of TiB2 were present intergranularly and intragranularly. The intragranular TiB2 precipitate with the habit plane (10-1) was semicoherent to the main phase of Nd2TM14B1. The intergranular TiB2 presumably acts as an inhibitor against grain growth. It is considered that the improvement of bending strength in the Ti doped Nd-TM-B magnet is attributed to a increase in the fracture energy because of nano-sized precipitates of TiB2.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003