Vol.24 (1992) No.2

Properties and Applications of Indene/Maleic Anhydride Copolymer and Related Copolymers

成瀬 義弘(Yoshihiro Naruse) 高木 正人(Masato Takagi) 杉浦 啓之(Keiji Sugiura) 榎本 憲秀(Norihide Enomoto) 山本 誠司(Seiji Yamamoto)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A new type copolymer including indene, called IMA resin, has been developed. Indene/maleic anhydride copolymer and multi-system copolymers including styrene and N-phenylmaleimide are alternative copolymers whose number-average molecular weight ranges from 2 000 to ca. 50 000. Glass transition temperature Tg of the indene-system was higher by about 30℃ than that of the styrene-system and increased with higher dependence on N-phenyl-maleimide content in terpolymers. Various derivatives of IMA can be obtained by modification of the anhydride group such as hydrolysis, esterification, and sulfonation. Owing to excellent thermal properties and easiness of control of maleic anhydride content, IMA can be applied as resin modifier and compatibilizer. Sodium and ammonium salts of IMA possessed excellent performance as a dispersant for cement, pigments and ceramics. Sodium salt of sulfonated IMA also possessed excellent performance as a dispersant or a chelating agent.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003