Vol. 23(1991) No.3

Expert System for Manufacturing Sequence Determination in Hot-Rolling Process of Seamless Steel Pipe

深谷 直文(Naofumi Fukaya) 片桐 忠夫(Tadao Katagiri)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel Chita Works has developed an expert system for determining the manufacturing sequence in the hot-rolling process of seamless steel pipe based on knowledge engineering. This expert system is allocated in the workstation as a back-end co-processor connecting to the mainframe computer using a distributed system technology. To build this system, the authors implemented with their self-developed expert system tool coded in C. This knowledge-based model is founded on the forward chaining inference with production rules. The manufacturing sequence by this expert system can archive the optimization of almost 100% of what professionals usually do.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003