Vol. 23(1991) No.3

Establishment of Foundation for Expert System Development

福村  聡(Satoshi Fukumura) 新井 慎也(Shinya Arai) 佐能 克明(Katsuaki Sanou)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In order to popularize expert system (ES) technology. Kawasaki Steel has compiled "ES development guide book" and made "ES development tool". The former is aimed at standardization of system developing process and suggests how to select a proper problem and how to proceed with development projects. The latter is aimed at standardization of tools (including programming language) and designed to be independent of computer environment and to have a hypothetical reasoning function for planning systems. Since 1989 the number of applications using these tools is increasing, and they are contributing to effective and efficient system development.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003