Vol. 23(1991) No.3

Artificial Intelligence Applications at Kawasaki Steel

山崎 順次郎(Junjiro Yamasaki) 岩村 忠昭(Tadaaki Iwamura) 新井 慎也(Shinya Arai)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Since February 1984, Kawasaki Steel developed the real-time expert system at the round billets conditioning yard for the first time in the world, and it has begun to actively apply the AI technology to many areas of the process control problems such as material flow automation systems and so on. The authors have analyzed on paper how the AI technology has been developed under the condition of FMS process realization at the steel production system. The AI technology of the expert system, fuzzy control theory, and nuero-network system is applied to problem areas such as the planning, control, measurement, learning, and diagnosis of each process. They are contributing to expansion of the solving methods in the FMS process.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003