Vol. 23(1991) No.1

Transient Flow Analysis for the Management of Water Pipeline Network Systems

小池  武(Takeshi Koike) 今井 俊雄(Toshio Imai) 寺本  正(Tadashi Teramoto) 鈴木  実(Minoru Suzuki) 三宅 章太(Shota Miyake)
要旨 :
KSC developed a computer program of the transient flow analysis for water pipeline network systems. This program can simulate transient phenomena in a water pipeline including valves, pumps, reservoirs, and leak points. In order to check the accuracy of this program, a field experiment was executed, using a real water transmission pipeline in Ishikawa Prefecture. Numerical analysis shows good agreement between experimental data and simulated results within the maximum error of 3.7% in pressure. This program can play an important role in the management of a large-scale water pipeline network as one of the application systems of the "Lifeline Information Management System (LIMAS)", which is also developed by KSC with computer mapping techniques. This flow analysis program will extend the applicability of LIMAS to many fields of waterworks such as future planning of water supply, short-term flow prediction in daily operation, and leak flow control.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003