Vol. 22(1990) No.2

Development of Insulation Diagnosis Technique for Electric Rotating Machine

田部井 邦夫(Kunio Tabei) 山本 博正(Hiromasa Yamamoto) 有光  博(Hiroshi Arimitsu)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
More than 25 years have passed since major facilities came into operation at Chiba works. Most of the electrical equipment has gradually deteriorated with the lapse of time, and above all, insulation performance of DC and high voltage AC motors has fallen down remarkably. Under such conditions, it has become a pressing need to establish the insulation diagnosis technique for electrical rotating machines. The authors started to develop these techniques in 1980, and have obtained some good results. New diagnostic methods and instruments developed by them are as follows. For high voltage AC motors, (1)precise diagnosis technique, (2)corona discharge measuring apparatus to find out the deteriorated part of insulation, and (3)expert system for insulation diagnosis; and for DC motors, (1)live wire insulation monitor, (2)armature broken-wire detecter, (3)con-dition monitoring system, (4)evaluation method of hygroscopic performance, and (5)lifetime prediction.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003