Vol. 22(1990) No.1

Computer Control System for Ore Yard Operation at Mizushima Works

谷吉 修一(Shuichi Taniyoshi) 兼田 経博(Tsunehiro Kaneda) 田村 輝男(Teruo Tamura) 斧田 大介(Daisuke Onoda) 宮崎 容治(Yasuharu Miyazaki) 池田  毅(Tsuyoshi Ikeda)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
At Mizushima Works, ore yard control systems of electric equipment were renewed. This is the second step of iron making department information system. New belt conveyor control for energy-saving and staking control for quality improvement have been applied. Control technologies such as knowledge engineering, fuzzy control, and self-tuning control have been applied. The systems have been achieving great effects in what was difficult to obtain with a conventional way, and are working with no problem at all since April 1987.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003