Vol. 22(1990) No.1

Automatic Control System for Unloader Operation

兼田 経博(Tsunehiro Kaneda) 細見 和夫(Kazuo Hosomi) 深川 卓美(Takumi Fukagawa) 石川 裕昭(Hiroaki Ishikawa) 林岡 卓己(Takumi Hayashioka)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A newly developed automatic control system has proved successful in the operation of the rope-trolley unloader at the Mizushima raw materials wharf. The system has solved the three basic and inherent technical problems of grab-bucket control in respect of sway-prevention, soft-landing, and accurate grabbing, and has attained high levels of functional accuracy and efficiency as originally aimed. Designed with ample attention paid to the safety and ease of operation, the system provides operators with a minimum degree of difference from the conventional operation. Automatic operation rate originally planned has been smoothly maintained to date, and the system is contributing to substantial improvement in raw materials unloading operations at the wharf by reducing operators’ work load, removing the attention paid to individual skill differences, and preventing excess bucket loadings.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003