Vol.21 (1989) No.4

Integrated Research Laboratory Support System

本藤 康弘(Yasuhiro Motofuzi) 宮嶌  明(Akira Miyazima) 米谷  稔(Minoru Yoneya) 森本 一三(Kazumi Morimoto) 狩野 裕隆(Hirotaka Kano) 竹内 裕美子(Yumiko Takeuchi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel Technical Research Division has developed total research laboratory support system for reinforcing the R & D capacity in response to developing research fields such as new materials and electronics. The system covers a wide range from planning and administration works through research activities. The system consists of (1) a planning and management support system for a timely analysis of research activity information, (2) a desk-work support system which facilitates scientific and technical computation, data analysis and reporting work, (3) integrated LA/FA systems, and (4) a laboratory network system for researchers' easy access to a super-computer shared with other divisions, host computer and CAD/CAM/CAE system of the research laboratories. The paper describes the overview of this system and outline of each subsystem.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003