Vol.21 (1989) No.4

Preparation of Ultrafine Metallic Particles by Hydrogen Reduction of Chloride Vapours

石川 博之(Hiroyuki Ishikawa) 大塚 研一(Ken-ichi Otuka) 新田  稔(Minoru Nitta) 米花 康典(Yasunori Yonehana)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The ultrafine particles (UFP) of silver, copper and tungsten were prepared by hydrogen reduction of chlorides of those metals in the vapour phase. Silver and copper ultrafine particles have not been reported to be prepared by gas-phase reactions. Electron microscopy shows that spherical particles for silver and copper and polyhedral particles for tungsten are obtained. UFP obtained at various reaction conditions have log-normal distribution of the particle size with a very narrow range of geometric standard deviations, 1.2 to 1.4, while their median diameters extend from 20 to 1000 nm. Mean diameter of UFP can controlled by feed vapour concentration of metal chlorides and reaction temperature. Reaction conditions being equal, the particle size of silver is the largest, and that of tungsten is the smallest among the three. The ratio of the reaction temperature to the melting point is supposed to be an important factor in determining the size of UFP.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003