Vol.21 (1989) No.3

Densification of Sintered Compacts Made from Alloyed Steel Powder by Repressing and Their Properties

小倉 邦明(Kuniaki Ogura) 高城 重彰(Shigeaki Takajo) 前田 義昭(Yoshiaki Maeda) 香月 淳一(Jun-ichi Katsuki) 桜田 一男(Ichio Sakurada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The densification of sintered compacts by repressing and their properties after heat treatment have been investigated for the compacts made from a new grade prealloyed steel powder KIP 4600 ES and other powders. The powder 4600 ES contains 1% Ni, 0.3% Cu and 0.2% Mo and is more compressible than conventional prealloyed steel powders. The sintered compacts made from 4600 ES remain soft even with graphite addition because of having the ferritic microstructure. Therefore, the density increases sufficiently by repressing to 7.46 Mg/m3, when the powder is mixed with 0.3% of graphite, compacted at 690 MPa, sintered at 1250℃ and repressed at 690 MPa. The contact fatigue strength as well as the Young's modulus of case-hardened compacts depends mainly on the density. A contact fatigue strength of the repressed compacts of 4600 ES attains 3.14 GPa after carburization (360 min), quenching, and tempering. The recent demand for sintered structural components with high density and high contact fafigue strength will be adequately met by the new prealloyed steel powder 4600 ES in combination with repressing and heat treatment processes.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003