Vol.21 (1989) No.3

Developments of Grain Oriented Si-Steel Sheets with Low Iron Loss

貞頼 捷雄(Toshio Sadayori) 飯田 嘉明 (Yoshiaki Iida) 福田文二郎(Bunjiro Fukuda) 岩本 勝生(Katsuo Iwamoto) 佐藤 圭司(Keiji Sato) 清水  洋(Yo Shimizu)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Two approaches for reducing iron losses in grain oriented Si-steel sheets were described. One is a metallurgical approach which reduces sheet thickness, increases Si content, and optimizes grain diameter without deteriorating texture orientation. Increase in C content, hot rolling at low temperature and low speed, and utilization of very fine carbides have been applied for that purpose. The other is a physical approach and is called the "domain refining technique". Plasma-jet (PJ) irradiation has been found to be effective for refining domain wall spacing without deteriorating surface coating of sheets. PJ irradiation has enabled further loss reduction in thin gauge grain-oriented Si-steel sheets.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003