Vol.21 (1989) No.2

Improvement in Sample Preparation Equipment for Chemical Analysis in Steelworks

近藤 喜代太(Kiyota Kondo) 芝崎 豊作(Toyosaku Shibazaqki) 有賀 正幸(Masayuki Aruga)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
This report is concerned with the improvement and automation of sample preparation equipment in the analysis system for enhancing efficiency of analysis operation in the steelworks. Examples of improvement and automation of sampling are as follows: An automatic sampler for the online analysis of plating solutions, swift sampler for continuously-cast slabs, BF slag sampler requiring on sample preparation, and sampler of white pig iron. Improved methods of sample preparation are as follows: Automatic sampler for the oxygen analyzer, automatic sampler of molten steel, sieving machine for collecting powdery samples, and centrifugal pressure mill. These samplers and sampling methods have made important contributions to improved productivity and quality control and enhanced efficiency of operations.
本文(PDF: 6P/419kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003