Vol.21 (1989) No.2

Current Trends in the Technology of Chemical and Physical Analyses

松村 泰治(Yasuharu Matsumura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
An overview is presented regarding the current trends in the technology of chemical and physical analyses at Kawasaki Steel, which are contributing to research and development of steel and new materials. Advanced and complicated needs for material research have caused progress in the techniques of elemental, phase, surface and microstructual analyses. Many methods including ICP, GDS and SIMS have been established successfully and applied in combination to the characterization of various materials, resulting in the development and improvement of our products and manufacturing processes. Future requisites for further technological progress in chemical and physical analyses are also mentioned, witch include perfection of fundamental techniques, improvement of both hardware and software in analytical measurements and data processing.
本文(PDF: 4P/317kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003