Vol.20 (1988) No.4

Development of Highway Lighting Pole with Resistance to Wind Vortex-Induced Oscillation

城  郁夫(Ikuo Jo) 金子 忠男(Tadao Kaneko) 永津 省吾(Shogo Nagatsu) 高橋 千代丸(Chiyomaru Takahashi) 木村 正夫(Masao Kimura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Basic vibrational characteristics of a lighting pole resulting from wind vortex-induced oscillation have been studied and an impact damper which has layered cells accommodating steel balls has been developed. Steel ball movement synchronizes with the oscillation of the pole and collides against casing,and the damper reduces oscillation energy. Based on the results of basic experiments with movement of steel balls and impact force, impact dampers have been manufactured and attached to the inside of the pole. Vibration tests using a vibration machine and wind tunnel tests have been executed. The results indicate that the impact dampers are effective in reducing the 1st to 3rd inplane and out-of-plane oscillations of the pole.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003