Vol.20 (1988) No.4

Seismic Characteristics of Double Sheet Pile Wall Structures

水谷 太作(Taisaku Mizutani) 金子 忠男(Tadao Kaneko) 原  道彦(Michihiko Hara)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Dynamic characteristics of a static model of double sheet pile wall structures, which are important to design, have been evaluated in vibration tests on model structures. Experimental results are shown below. (1) Natural frequency decreases as the value of input acceleration increases. This fact is mainly related te sand properties, such as non-linearity and elasto-plasticity. (2) The effect of wall breadth is revealed as two opposite roles;one is the deformation effect as inertia force, and the other is the shearing resistance. (3) Residual deflection has a tendency to be larger than the dynamic component of deformation during deflection.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003