Vol.20 (1988) No.3

Application and Evaluation of Autonomous Decentralized System for Iron and Steel Processes

鳥越 英俊(Hidetoshi Torigoe) 岩村 忠明(Tadaaki Iwamura) 尾脇 林太郎(Rintaro Owaki) 長山 栄之(Eishi Nagayama)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel has recently introduced several new computer systems, based on an autonomous decentralized concept,into the cold rolling processes at its Mizushima and Chiba Works. The autonomous decentralized system, which is featured by easily-extensible hardware and software, has many advantages such as superior system developabilily, lower investment cost because of the adoption of inexpensive microcomputers, and easier reconstruction, compared with conventional systems;while it also has some disadvantages like low performance at the peak of load and low efficiency of memory usage. The authors have constructed the process computer systems considering these properties and confirmed the effectiveness of the autonomous decentralized system in iron and steel processes.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003