Vol.20 (1988) No.2

本社販売・生産・物流管理システム,「KOSMOS U」
On-Line Information System for Meeting Order Processing Services-゛KOSMOS U"

藤川 信司(Nobuji Fujikawa) 土田 豊(Minoru Tsuchida) 道野 安信(Yasunobu Michino)
要旨 :
販売競争力の強化,生産・輸送の効率化,業務効率化を狙い,本社販売・生産・物流システム(KOSMOS U)を再構築した。当システムは最新のシステム技術をとり入れて,受注から製品納入・代金回収までのシステムを総合化するとともに鋼材全品種を対象に同時開発,同時稼動させたものである。また,業界に先駆けて取引先商社とのネットワークを構築し,企業間のオンライン情報授受を実現した。昭和60年1月の稼動以来,順次,機能拡張をはかりつつ現在に至り,所期の効果を上げている。
Synopsis :
KOSMOS U(Kawatetsu On-line System for Meeting Order Processing Services) was refurbished to improve marketing competitiveness, achieve higher efficiency in production and transportation, and generally upgrade the quality of administrative activities. The new KOSMOS U system, which was simultaneously developed in and applied to Kawasaki Steel's entire product lines, integrates various sales-related sub-systems ranging from order entry to delivery and accounts receivable, taking advantage of the most up-to-date computer system. Anticipating future needs, KOSMOS U is also tied to major trading film systems in a secure, on-line communications network. KOSMOS U went into service in January 1985. The originally planned goals of the system have been satisfactorily met, and new functions are already being added.
本文(PDF: 6P/324kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003