Vol.20 (1988) No.2

Outline of Integrated Sales-Production-Distribution System

播本 彰(Akira Harimoto) 市川 勲(Isao Ichikawa) 土居 良清(Yoshikiyo Doi) 藤川 信司(Nobuji Fujikawa) 木村 哲弘(Tetsuhiro Kimura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel has innovated its system of sales, production and distribution, which are the basic functions in the steelmaker, by integrating them into a system. These functions have been integrated and expanded from steelworks to the headquarters, and from the headquarters to associated companies and trading companies, while they are wholly reviewed and reconstructed at the same period. Overall information beginning with order entry and ending with products delivery have been integrated and the overall enterprise information system established. At steelworks, the production scheduling and operating function have been reinforced to pursue continuous operation. Consequently, the optimum mechanism of sales, production and distribution have been obtained, and the expected purpose achieved, such as reinforced service activities for customers.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003