Vol.20 (1988) No.1

Recent Progress in Extending Service Life of Mechanical Equipment for Converters

樋口 和也(Kazuya Higuchi) 渡辺 己喜男(Mikio Watanabe) 佐藤 裕二(Yuji Sato) 市原  晃(Akira Ichihara) 大西  廣(Hiromu Onishi) 玉田 滋基(Shigeki Tamada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Since the start up of our LD-converters, the service life of their mechanical parts has been increased by mamy improvement activities. However adoption of MgO-C bricks for barrel refractory and introduction of the top-and bottom-blown converter have recently caused a decrease in the life of mechanical parts for the converter. While the former cause raises the temperature of shell, the latter increases the vibration level of the converter vessel. In order to cope with the short life tendency of the mechanical parts, the analytical technique for shell deformation and cracking, evaluation technique for vessel vibration and diagnostic technique for crack propagation were examined, and according to these techniques, appropriate vessel-cooling and vessel-repairing methods to prevent crack propagation have been established. Furthemore, a quick exchanging method of converter bearings that realizes reduction in the furnace repairing time has been completed.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003