Vol.20 (1988) No.1

Automatization of Plate Ultrasonic Inspection

松居  進(Susumu Matsui) 永倉 義之(Yoshiyuki Nagakura) 細川 孝信(Takanobu Hosokawa) 片山 二郎(Niro Katayama)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
To reinforce the Works' heavy-plate quality assurance system, the existing automatic ultrasonic test(AUT) system has been recently retrofitted info a fully automated one, followed by the development of a new AUT system for ultra heavy plates, in the Mizushima Works of Kawasaki Steel. All the operations of the AUT system for plates whose thickness range is up to 60mm, such as the setting of testing conditions,testing operation, evaluation, and recording of test results, can be automatically carried out by the digitized devices and a process control computer system. The ultla heavy plate AUT system, which can test plates of over 60mm in thickness, has been developed with emphasis on the automatic recording of test results and the collapsible and portable mechanism that has provided an easier handling of the system. These AUT system have successfully automated the ultrasonic inspection of plates in all thickness ranges, including ultra heavy plates, with very high reliability since their commissioning.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003