Vol.19 (1987) No.4

Integrated Instrumentation and Control System of Top and Bottom Blown Converter

山根  明(Akira Yamane) 三崎 規夫(Norio Misaki) 刀根  功(Isao Tone) 岩村 忠昭(Tadaaki Iwamura) 武  英雄(Hideo Take) 坪井  勝(Masaru Tsuboi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
State-of-the-art integrated instrumentation and control system for top and bottom blown converter (K-BOP) have been brought into operation at No.2 BOF shop in Mizushima Works. Characteristics of this system are as follows: (1) Accurate operational data processing by new operational computer (process computer) which controls not only the converter process but also pre-treatment and ladle refining. (2) Accurate mathematical control models for combined blowing. (3) Fully automated blowing control by effective functional combination of the operational computer and the instrumentation DDC (Direct digital control). (4) Tapping control technology such as the component estimation system at blow end. In addition, in order to maintain and improve the accuracy of mathematical control models, the operational data analysis system has been developed by using relational data bases in the business computer.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003