Vol.19 (1987) No.2

Design and Erection Work of Enim River Bridge in Indonesia

村田 勝弘(Katsuhiro Murata) 松尾 弘一(Hiroichi Matsuo) 上村 明弘(Akihiro Uemura)
要旨 :
インドネシア・スマトラ島のBukit Asam地区に架かる橋長181mの橋梁を,設計および製作工事も含めインドネシア国鉄より受注し,1985年12月現地架設が完了した。構造形式は,同一走行面に道路鉄道併用という特殊性に加え,施主よりの経済性に対する要望と,連続桁のもつ走行性,耐荷力などを考慮し,支点上の負モーメント域を非合成区間とする4径間連続部分合成桁とした。架設工については,架設用資機材の現地調達という制約を大きく受けながらも,全径間遂次剛結法を用いた送出し工法により,無事故で精度よく完工することができた。
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel was awarded a contract for the design, fabrication and erection of a 181-meter-long steel bridge by the Indonesia State Railways (PJKA). The work began in September 1983 and site erection was completed at Bukit Asam, Sumatra, Indonesia in December l985. The bridge is a four-span continuous partial composite girder type structure. This type of superstructure was chosen for economy and to provide its deck slab with multipurpose usage for both railway and roadway transportation. Special features incorporated into design include: (1) Provision of a composite girder section length equivalent to the length of negative moment, (2) evaluation of loading conditions, deflection, etc., taking into account proof loading for a continuous girder and smooth accommodation of the railway and automotive loads. Erection was accomplished at the site using a cantilever launching method. Girders were assembled one by one using a repetitive erector. Erection work was executed quite safely with satisfactory results.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003