Vol.19 (1987) No.2

Creep Data Processing and Test Managing Systems

松崎 明博(Akihiro Matsuzaki) 増子  修(Osamu Masuko) 岡    裕(Yutaka Oka) 本藤 康弘(Yasuhiro Motofuji)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A computer system composed of both the processing of creep data and the managing of creep testing machines was developed to operate creep testing machines efficiently and make the best use of creep data. Various kinds of information such as chemistry and history of materials and creep data are centralized and stored in the data base of this computer system. Information demanded by users can be analyzed and processed to figures and tables from the data base. The creep data sheets are periodically issued as a limited publication, which is used for development of new materials and for technical presentation to clients. Both suitable test condition and testing machine are chosen based on the information about managing of creep testing machines. By analyzing the data under testing with this newly developed computer system, the test condition can be reconsidered. As a result, most effective and efficient administration of tests have become possible. This computer system can be accessed by all Works of Kawasaki Steel through its computer network system.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003