Vol.19 (1987) No.2

Operation of the Shaft Type Fe-Mn Smelting Furnace

吉田 和彦(Kazuhiko Yoshida) 芹沢 保文(Yasunori Serizawa) 国分 春生(Haruo Kokubu) 鈴木 重康(Shigeyasu Suzuki) 増川 匡伸(Masanobu Masukawa) 板谷  宏(Hiroshi Itaya)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
At Mizushima Ferro Alloy Co., Ltd. the shaft type Fe-Mn smelting furnace (SF) was blown in on 24 June 1985 and have been continuing smooth operation. Up to this time we realized high productivity of more than 0.7 (t/d・m3) in November 1985 at an oxygen enrichment factor of 10%. We tried fully mixed ore-coke charging operation with success. Based upon the establishment of these operational techniques, the manganese yield reached to 93.5%, the world highest level, in September 1986. Furthermore Si-Mn alloy was successfully produced at SF in October 1986. The production cost of high carbon Fe-Mn alloy has been decreased to a lower level than the expected cost because of better operational results than the planned ones.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003