Vol.18 (1986) No.4

Strength of Composite Pipe with Spiral Rib

菊川 春三(Shunso Kikukawa) 赤秀 公造(Kohzo Akahide) 植木 八寿彦(Yasuhiko Ueki) 塚原 戴司(Taishi Tsukahara)
要旨 :
管内面にスパイラル状のリブを連続的に取付けた鋼管を対象とし、コンクリートとの合成鋼管構造部材の力学的諸特性を押抜きせん断,圧縮ならびに曲げの諸試験を通じて調査した。この結果,以下の諸事項が明らかになった。(1)リブ高さが8 mm以上あれば,リブ形状には無関係に,実用上十分なコンクリート付着強度が得られる。(2)みかけの付着強度はリブの本数に対応して上昇する。(3)本形式部材は,鋼とコンクリートが完全に一体化すると考えて設計,使用できる。
Synopsis :
This study deals with the applicability of a newly developed pipe, which has spiral ribs on its inner surface, thereby making it a composite structure. Mechanical properties of the composite pipe were investigated through push-out, compression and bending tests. Main conclusions obtained are as follows; (1) Bond stress can satisfy the ordinarily required value for the composite pipe having ribs more than 8 mm high. (2) Nominal bond stress increases steadily with increasing the number of ribs. (3) Structural member made of spiral ribbed pipes and concrete can be designed and used as a fully integrated body
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003