Vol.18 (1986) No.3

Development of Ozone Water Treatment Technology for Industrial Circulating Water

松本 正次(Syoji Matsumoto) 北村 秀樹(Hideki Kitamura) 矢田 充宏(Mitsuhiro Yada) 田中  誠(Makoto Tanaka) 清野 芳一(Yoshikazu Seino) 小沢 建樹(Tateki Ozawa)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Industrial cooling water posed problems in water quality due to bacterial trouble. To solve these problems, the bactericidal chlorine method was generally used. However, this chlorine method had problems of increasing corrosion of the machine and rusting of products by accumulation of chemicals. We have developed a bactericidal ozone method to eliminate the harmful influence of chemicals in the chloride method. In this paper, the disinfecting effect of ozone in water and its attenuation characteristics have been investigated, and the optimum conditions of ozonation such as the quality, interval, and points of shooting ozone have been clarified. This ozone method is now applied to the roll coolant system of the cold rolling mill at Chiba Works with satisfactory results.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003