Vol.18 (1986) No.3

Cr-Alloyed Steel Powders with Low Oxygen Content Manufactured by Vacuum Annealing Process

大和 宣介(Nobusuke Yamato) 小倉 邦明(Kuniaki Ogura) 初谷 栄治(Eiji Hatsugai) 前田 義昭(Yoshiaki Maeda)
要旨 :
川崎製鉄千葉製鉄所に合金鋼粉専用の水アトマイズ・真空還元製造ラインを新設し,AISI 4100相当鋼粉,すなわちKIP 4100V,KIP 4100VSの製造販売を開始した。従来のガス還元法では,Mn,Crを含む合金鋼粉の還元が困難であった。当社で開発した真空還元法,VALCONプロセス(Vacuum annealing process for alloyed steel powders with low carbon, oxygen and nitrogen)によりこの問題を解決し低O,低C,低Nの鋼粉(0.10% O,0.02% C,0.001% N)を製造することに成功した。この鋼粉は成形圧力7t/cm2における圧粉密度が7.14g/cm3,ラトラー値が0.44%を示し,また焼結後の引張り強さとして130kgf/mm3が得られるなど,圧縮性,成形性などの圧粉体特性および焼結・熱処理特性に優れているので,高強度,耐摩耗材用,焼結部品への適用が期待できる。
Synopsis :
Kawasaki steel began to produce alloyed steel powders, KIP 4100V KIP 4100VS, which are equivalent to AISI 4100. New facilities were constructed in Chiba Works in 1985. They consist of wateratomization and vacuum annealing processes for manufacturing alloyed steel powders. Generally, it is difficult to deoxydize Mn-Cr alloyed steel powders by the gas reduction method. But we succeeded in producing alloyed steel powders with low O, C and N contents (0.10% O, 0.02%C, 0.001% N) by a newly developed process named VALCON (Vacuum annealing process for alloyed steel powders with low carbon, oxygen and nitrogen). These powders obtained by this method are better in compressibility and compactibility (green density of 7.14g/cm3, and Rattler value of 0.44% at compating pressure of 7 t/cm2), especially process the advantage of high strength after heat treatment. These features are suitable for high strength sintered parts for heat and wear-resistance.
本文(PDF: 7P/301kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003