Vol.18 (1986) No.2

Defects Detection Systems in Billet Mill

山崎 順次郎(Junjiro Yamasaki) 馬場 和史(Kazushi Baba) 石渡 英房(Hidefusa Ishiwatari) 中西 輝行(Teruyuki Nakanishi) 三浦 隆義(Takayoshi Miura) 得丸 豊久(Toyohisa Tokumaru)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Defects detection systems have been brought into operation with the rationalization of billet production process in Mizushima Works, aimed at obtaining the quality information of an individual billet and also accumulating the information for an analysis to improve quality of the billet. These systems involve defect detection devices which are interfaced directly to a process computer to realize a fully automatic operation. They are distributed in the billet mill according to their characteristics. Quality information is available in the billet mill through defect maps, specifying the position of a defect and the signal intensity as well, which are edited from defect data gathered by defect detection devices, by utilizing such automation technology as fully automatic operation and fully individual control. The fundamental idea of the systems, the features and functions of each device, and approaches to production with better quality were also explained in this paper.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003