Vol.18 (1986) No.2

Development of Laser Type Burden Profile Meter at Blast Furnace

浅野 有一郎(Yuichiro Asano) 近藤 幹夫(Mikio Kondoh) 柳本 隆之(Takayuki Yanagimoto) 栗田 邦夫(Kunio Kurita) 平橋  明(Akira Hirahashi) 友成 和弘(Kazuhiro Tomonari)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Burden profile meters using laser light have been developed at Chiba No.2 and No.6 BF's. A light cross section method is applied. The measuring system consists of an argon laser head, a beam scanner, a lens and prism system, image fibers, a TV camera, a signal processing unit and a microprocessor. A laser beam with visible wavelength is projected and scanned on the burden surface from a given direction. The camera views the spot on the surface from another direction. The position of the spot is determined by image data processing. The image quality is improved by data processing techniques, because the original image is damaged by the beam scattering effect of dust. The profile meter has the following functions; a resolution of 50 mm and a measuring time of 20 sec for one radius. On the basis of measured results, the functions of the burden profile meter are shown and its characteristics discussed.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003