Vol.17 (1985) No.4

Combined Blowing System (LD-KGC) with Wide Range of Flow Rate

橘  林三(Rinso Tachibana) 高柴 信元(Nobuyoshi Takashiba) 桑山 道弘(Michihiro Kuwayama) 山根  明(Akira Yamane) 前田 瑞夫(Mizuo Maeda) 小山内 寿(Hisashi Osanai)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
It was observed that the bottom gas flow rate was reduced under constant pressure along with an increase in the temperature near the tuyere in combined blowing with a wide range of the gas flow rate. It was proved that this choking phenomenon is caused by heat transfer to the tuyere by experimental work and theoretical calculation to which Rayleigh flow have been applied. On the basis of this analysis we have developed combined blowing with a wide range of the bottom gas flow rate (0.005-0.2 Nm3/min-t), in the so called LD-KGC, in order to obtain a maximum metallurgical advantage for all steel grades such as low-medium-carbon and high carbon steels. This report describes the characteristics of the control system and mechanical installation at No.1 BOF shop, Mizushima Works. As a result, T. Fe in the slag has been decreased to the same level at that for the Q-BOP by applying a large amount of bottom gas injection. Also this is greatly influenced by the bottom gas flow pattern.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003