Vol.17 (1985) No.3

Production of High Grade Stainless Steels

小倉  滋(Shigeru Ogura) 川原田  昭(Akira Kawaharada) 松崎  実(Minoru Matsuzaki) 北岡 英就(Hidenari Kitaoka) 大坪 宏(Hiroshi Ohtsubo) 川崎 龍夫(Tatsuo Kawasaki)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
On the basis of fundamental experiments, optimum condition in steelmaking and continuous casting for the production of high quality stainless steels have been determined. The amounts of impurity contents were decreased by adopting K-BOP and SS-VOD process and the secondary cooling conditions in continuous casting were optimized. With these countermeasures, all kinds of stainless steel have been produced by continuous casting with no problem. For the dualphase stainless steel, hot ductility was remarkably improved by heat treatment of slab soaking. Thus the system for the stable production of all high quality stainless steels has now been established.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003