Vol.17 (1985) No.1

制御冷却による船体構造用YP 36 kgf/mm2級高張力鋼板の材質特性
Properties of YP 36 kgf/mm2 Class Hull Structural Steel Plates Produced by Accelerated Control Cooling Process

三宮 好史(Yoshifumi Sannomiya) 西崎  宏(Hiroshi Nishizaki) 永井  潤(Jun Nagai) 志賀 千晃(Chiaki Shiga) 寺嶋 久栄(Hisae Terashima) 関根 稔弘(Toshihiro Sekine)
要旨 :
昭和58年4月に当社水島製鉄所で稼動した多目的制御冷却設備MACS(Multi-purpose Accelerated Cooling System)を用い,AH,DHおよびEH級の制御冷却型船体構造用YP 36 kgf/mm2級鋼を製造し,その材質特性を調査した。MACS材は,従来製法に対し炭素当量を0.05〜0.09%低減できるため,溶接低温割れ感受性や大入熱溶接継手部じん性および線状加熱後のじん性において従来材(非水冷型)より優れ,また母材強度,破壊じん性,大入熱溶接継手強度および疲労強度でも従来材と同等以上であることが確認できた。これら制御冷却型高張力鋼の優れた特徴を活用することにより,今後船体構造用鋼板の一層の高張力化がはかられるものと期待できる。
Synopsis :
Online thermomechanical controlled cooling system named MACS(Multi-purpose Accelerated Cooling System) was set into operation in April 1983 at No.2 Plate Mill at Mizushima Works, Kawasaki Steel Corporation. The mechanical properties of YP 36 kgf/mm2 (350 MPa) class hull structural steel plates of A, D, and E grades manufactured by the MACS process, have been investigated. The plates, manufactured by the MACS process, having 0.05 to 0.09% lower carbon equivalent than usual, are superior to conventional steel plates in the welding crack and toughness at the heat affected zone of a large heat input welded joint. The values of tensile and fatigue tests both in base metal and in the large heat input welded joint, are satisfactory. The application of the MACS device to producing higher strength steel with lower Ceq will introduce the increase in the amount of higher strength hull structural steel plates based on the superior characteristics of their mechanical properties.
本文(PDF: 8P/312kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003